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Hyla Strategies pledges to invest 2% of our gross revenue into our local and global communities.

With these funds, we’ve been able to support an organization that creates exercise programs for cancer patients, aid in raising awareness for arteriovenous malformations, assemble welcome bags for refugee families arriving in the US over the holidays, provide digital marketing materials for non-profits focusing on healthcare infrastructure in the developing world including an organization run by a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, fund an orphan’s education and life expenses for a year, host crowdfunding matching campaign for victims of natural disasters and progressive organizations.

In 2023, Hyla Strategies was officially accepted as a member of Pledge 1%, a global movement with over 10,000 members in 100 countries who have pledged to donate 1% of their time, profit, product, and/or equity to philanthropic work. To date, Pledge 1% has ignited half a billion dollars in new philanthropy.

We support our global communities.

Our communications team closely follows current events to identify trends. In doing so, we’re exposed to news stories covering humanitarian crises around the world. We’re committed to approaching these discoveries with active compassion instead of passive consumption.

And we help those close to home, too.

Positive change starts locally. We invest in creative initiatives that profoundly impact communities and kickstart regional development.